Monday, August 18, 2008

3D Ultrasound at 30 Weeks

Here are some 3D ultrasound pictures of our little man done on June 28th. I was 30 weeks at the time....I think he has Frank's nose!


Rachel, Jamin, Kara, Jace and Bryce said...

Love the Blog! These 3D pictures totally creep me out - although they are completely amazing. I can't wait for baby Miles:-)

The Hill Family said...

Aren't they weird?! So, here's a funny story abou the last 3D image; the one where you can see his leg and arm and head. I showed it to a lady at MultiCare who said "wow! your baby sure has a lot of hair!" I said "that's actually my uterus!" How funny...I'd be wondering how I got pregnant with Elvis' baby if that were his hair!