Sunday, November 23, 2008

More Pictures

I'm telling you this is Miles' first real tear. Frank says it's not, but it's the first I remember. You can't really see it but it's running down the side of his face. He is a sleep fighter!!
Miles staring at Poe the ugly dragon...

This picture was taken about a half hour after the last one. Tip: if Miles hasn't pooped in a couple days and his farts start to smell like his poo...put him in a cute outfit and plan to leave the house. Today, I thought it was contained, but when I went to push his onsie up under him to change his diaper, the back of my hand was covered in dijon mustard colored poo! It was up his back, on his side, on his shoulder...he got a bath and pimped his Seahawks outfit for the rest of the day. Didn't help, the Hawks lost!

Hee hee....

Saturday, November 22, 2008

November 22

Friday night, Miles slept for...get this...NINE straight hours! I didn't even wake up. Frank couldn't sleep because he's been sick and he woke me up after about seven hours and asked me if he should check on him. He wasn't sure if I'd been up with him or not and he just missed it. He went up (yes, he's sleeping in his crib!) and Miles was perfectly fine. Sleeping "like a baby!"
I actually think I got too much sleep that night, I felt hung over the next day.
So, we hung out at home and played most of the day...
"I'm trying Mom, I'm trying!"

Miles loves to stare at Tom the dragonfly...

He'd rather stare at his dad though!

They're SO sweet...melts my heart!

Next milestone: last night, after six hours, Miles woke up to eat. I put him back down without the swaddle. He did fine. I think he may be too old for the swaddle, so I'm trying to not use it now. He seems to be a pretty easy baby, so this shouldn't be a problem...knock on wood!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Play time with Miles

Thank you Marecle family for the cool play gym! Miles LOVES to play with his new friends; Doug the parrot, Jamaal the monkey, and Caroline the giraffe...we name his toys after his family members so he can learn their names.
It's great for tummy time too. The toy you can see on the right of the picture on the floor is Tom the dragonfly. Tom talks with a lisp.

He's such a sweetie!

This is the swing Poppy gave Miles. We call it the Poppy swing and Miles just stares and stares at Bino the bumble bee. We have yet to name this dragonfly (he hasn't shown it any attention yet), but the Ugly Doll is Poe the Ugly Dragon...thanks Patricia! He's already gummed the horns and stuck one up his nose!

I woke up for the third time this morning and swore Miles had put on another pound, at least. I'll see if he'll sit still long enough to weigh him on our scale.
We are LOVING being parents. It's so much fun to watch Miles grow and change. It amazes us every day. He's this close to having total head control. He's doing so well with it and controls it really well, I think he just gets tired of holding it up is pretty big!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


This is what I came home to yesterday...he's so cute!
Mommy loves Miles
Dad and Miles watching college football...

Miles' first election! Who was Frank voting for?!

Tummy time is FUN TIME! Thanks Auntie Annie, for the cool tummy time mat.

Miles will start sleeping upstairs in his crib tonight, as he's outgrown the cradle at the foot of our bed. I'll let y'all know how that goes! Should be interesting...

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Two month check up

I'll get some new pictures up very soon, but I have to leave Miles' stats from our doctor's visit this week.
We went on Tuesday after we voted of course! Miles weighed 15 lbs. 8 oz. and was 24 1/4" long. Dr. Plonsky said Miles is in the 95th percentile but isn't concerned about him being so big. I was worried he was "fat," that I may be overfeeding him. Doc said he doesn't worry about weight until after the first year. He said Miles' feet are big and we all know what that means...I'll have to buy new socks soon!
Miles did well with the shots. We were contemplating spreading out the vaccines and not doing some at all, but did some research and talked to Miles' doctor a bit and feel comfortable about going ahead with them. I was worried he'd have a reaction to them, but he did extremely well. Not even a fever. I, on the other hand, had a VERY tough time afterwards. I was worried all night that he felt bad or was going to get sick. He's a tough little guy.
So, that's about it for the update. I'll throw some more pictures up here in the next couple days. I'm too lazy to get the cord for the camera right now!

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Miles was a sock monkey for Halloween! He really hated his costume, so we only put it on him twice. Once to answer the door for our neighbors who were trick-or-treating...

And once to go to the office to's Miles and Ashley, his babysitting buddy!

Here is Miles with Duke and Hannah Artman...Hannah and Miles are arranged to be married in about 20 years!

This was pumpkin carving day with dad and mom...the Baby Bjorn is SO helpful Mandy...THANK YOU!!!

Eight Weeks...