I'm telling you this is Miles' first real tear. Frank says it's not, but it's the first I remember. You can't really see it but it's running down the side of his face. He is a sleep fighter!!
Miles staring at Poe the ugly dragon...
This picture was taken about a half hour after the last one. Tip: if Miles hasn't pooped in a couple days and his farts start to smell like his poo...put him in a cute outfit and plan to leave the house. Today, I thought it was contained, but when I went to push his onsie up under him to change his diaper, the back of my hand was covered in dijon mustard colored poo! It was up his back, on his side, on his shoulder...he got a bath and pimped his Seahawks outfit for the rest of the day. Didn't help, the Hawks lost!
This picture was taken about a half hour after the last one. Tip: if Miles hasn't pooped in a couple days and his farts start to smell like his poo...put him in a cute outfit and plan to leave the house. Today, I thought it was contained, but when I went to push his onsie up under him to change his diaper, the back of my hand was covered in dijon mustard colored poo! It was up his back, on his side, on his shoulder...he got a bath and pimped his Seahawks outfit for the rest of the day. Didn't help, the Hawks lost!